Writing a blog is very often for the author more than anyone else. I mean, I know this has been great for me over the years. I love to write, I like to try and capture my thoughts as I go through this life. But I have to temper all my thoughts and opinions with the fact that no one really gives a shit what I think. And, I mean, with good reason. I'm okay with that - I like to think my experiences have shaped my opinions and that I have been through some unique situations, but ultimately... what I think doesn't matter. I'm always amazed at things I see on the net - mostly social media comments and such. People offering unwanted opinions on things as if anyone gives a rats-ass what Johnny Nobody thinks. There's a lot of overinflated egos and self importance out there. I definitely used to be more like that - I'm fervent in my opinions on pop culture, books, music, film, etc. Once upon a time, I probably thought my opinons on things actually mattered. Either foolish youth or optimism. I can look back now and say... it doesn't matter. None of it mattered.
None of it mattered to other people.
But... it matters to me. So I write. I express. I shout into the void with my voice... sometimes in a song, or sometimes in the written word. Because I need to express it, if only for myself. It's a validation of my humanity and the recognition of my soul in this mortal experience. I'm no mover and shaker, or taste maker... and that's okay. But, I care about what I think. Because when I stop caring, I've stopped thinking and if I've stopped thinking... what's the point in life?
So many people out there cope with the existential dilemma in different ways. Some just live with it. Others indulge in anything to take their mind off it... sex, drugs, alcohol, food.. many things. And it's interesting how we can betray our own heart or moral compass when we're just trying to escape that feeling of staring into the void and having it stare back at you. It's a lot.
I don't know who the hell even reads this anymore. If you do, I hope you enjoy it. It's just my own personal contribution to the void, in the hopes that maybe I can fill in the spaces in my own soul enough to be brave and stare into the void and say "Ok." That long lonely hallway stares at me everyday as I regain consciousness and try to do my best in this world for the people who count on me. So, I guess, this blog is just one exercise of me standing on the precipice of time itself and screaming into the void.
I'm not gonna quote Nietzsche here, but if you've a modicum of classical education, I know your ass is thinking about abysses gazing into you. Nerd.